When things get low, why does it get lower? I have to push fwd. I have to push fwd. Satan has no victory in my life, my future. Lord I trust you to get me through all this.. Help me t fight this.. fight till I die for You appacha.. Mold me.. Make me.. Grow me.. I'm soo weak Jesus! I need your guidance and strength to overcome this difficult moment in my life. Education isn't going the way you want.. Relationships not going the way you want.. Financial not going the way you want.. Family not going the way you want... Just creates a way for His way to take importance.. Thank God not everything goes our way.. John 14:6 **Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."-
Yes, those are the words I literally wrote down today when I was facing some circumstances in my life that I really felt as if Why God.. Yup admit I'm human.. I'm flesh.. I doubt situations.. but you know what? In that breakdown.. I received a breakthrough.. Jesus Your Love is soooo amazing.. Your compassion, Your devotion regardless of the sins, regardless of our thoughts, regardless of our doubts.. Your still continue to Love me.. You are graceful, faithful and Your unconditional love continues forever..
Thank You For being my father..
Yours Truly,
Your unworthy daughter,