Thursday, January 30, 2014


Wow---just really listen to the words for this song....

Today I was driving to work with some upsetting news (one step forward 10 back?)
There was a message on the radio.. To sum it up the message was about how God works on the
"unworthy" people for HIS glory. We can say that we have this.. and that.. but if He can't use those things for His glory then it can all be taken away from us. The minister expressed how God makes sure He works on the unworthy because people will actually say it is GOD and nothing else.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Praise You in this storm.."

Praise You in This Storm
പ്രിസേ യു ഇന് ദിസ്‌ സ്റ്റൊർമ്

These couple of weeks have been very difficult for me physically, mentally and emotionally. I remember God reminding me of this song above (Praise You in this storm)  EVERY TIME I was feeling uneasy or even when I was stressed about certain situations I would randomly start sing this song. Not just one instance but MANY MANY instances.
Today as I was driving back to work from lunch, God reminded me to write in my journal. I usually write in this journal for prayer requests and major events... I call it my prayer diary... I asked Him what I should write about?? He reminded me of a previous event when I was dropping off a friend from school at these apartments and even worked on projects at her apartment. I remembered telling God, "I wish I lived in these apartments..." Keep in mind this was the period of my life my parents would NEVER let me sleep over ANYWHERE let alone have my own place?? FORGET IT!! Well I currently live in the SAME apartments that I "wished" to live in some day... God reminded me that even if this event isn't "big" or a "prayer" to write it in my journal and share it with the world... (so here I am:)
He reminded me of these verses:"Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart."-Psalm 37:4 and "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."-Matthew 7:7

I always wondered if I delighted in Him won't he fulfill all my desires... NOPE if these desires truly DELIGHT in him... or I can even go in deeper to say if it GLORIFIES HIM then those desires will be fulfilled. I prayed for sooo many things and I questioned this verse.. God if this is truly a desire of my heart why didn't I? or why did this happen..? Will the answer is simple... Was it to glorify myself or others or to glorify GOD....

I also wondered about the ASK, SEEK and KNOCK principle... What was that all about? Ask and it WILL be given... SEEK and you WILL find; Knock and it WILL be opened??? Well if you keep reading it talks about the Father providing for His children... I connect this principle to Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." First needs to understand what HIS will and HIS plan is then everything else will align.. I will get my hearts desires BECAUSE my desires align with HIS desires... How great.. right?? Well that's tricky because we are human and we have a sinful nature to look at this.. we=me... I looked at things like God why don't you just do it.. I know you can and you are able to.. so why don't you just... Well today God reminded me that it doesn't work the way "I" want it to work but rather if I align with the plan, vision and the purpose of God for HIS glory rather than my own I will be much more at peace with the situation... Man this is a great conviction to have.. Thank you Lord for this realization, understanding and CONVICTION..

"All for His Kingdom"
ഓൾ ഫോര് ോഡ്സ് ിങ്ങ്ദൊം

(Check out the song above and below: both of these songs has ministered to my soul these past couple of days.."