Saturday, November 19, 2011

It was Sunday...

Mark 16:2-6

New Living Translation (NLT)
2 Very early on Sunday morning,[a] just at sunrise, they went to the tomb. 3 On the way they were asking each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” 4But as they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside.
 5 When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a white robe sitting on the right side. The women were shocked, 6 but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth,[b] who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body.

As I was reading this tonight.. I came across so many emotions and points that I honestly felt like blogging and sharing.. Before reading this blog.. Please read the reference above.. It will give you my insight to my madness ;) 

The ladies approached the tomb with great sorrow-"who will roll away the stone??" 
(The stone in today's language can mean our sadness, our pain, our weakness, our guilt, our worries, our sin, our wickedness, our wants, our problems, our situations... )
Recalling back, it wasn't just an ordinary morning, this was a Sunday morning. When you leave your worries, sadness, guilt, sin, wickedness and walk boldly into your destination.. into the sanctuary..into the tomb.. walking BOLDLY to see the unseen.. No tellin' who will be standing there to roll away the stone into the solution to the problem... to wash you clean from your sins, to give you a life of purity, a life of everything in your wildest dreams.. to give you a future... to give you destination that's ordained by our Creator.. No tellin' when we let Jesus roll away the stone-He was there.. He laid there in the sin, guilt, pain, wickedness.. He laid right there but you know what.. He has risen from all that to create a better place for us.. That is why.. That is why.. I can sit here and feel good about myself.. and feel complete.. Because He laid there... but He has also RISEN from there.. amen? 

Friday, November 18, 2011

and..It was Friday...

"at noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o clock." Mark 15: 33
"and the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom. " Mark 15:38
"This all happened on Friday, the day of preparation. the day before the Sabbath. As evening approached.."-Mark 15: 42 

 Sitting here reading on a Friday evening, and understanding the amount of suffering my Father faced during a Friday just like today.. It amazes me.. Will I be there at the foot of the cross on a Friday..? will I sit there and feel His amazing love as He in front of my eyes died..? From the distractions of today's society if the generation had all the things that we have during the death of Jesus.... will you be at home.. in your bed watching shows that are degrading rather than watching the death of our Lord and Savior? Laying here in bed thinking of if I would be there is sick.. its pretty sad.. I'm unworthy to be at the foot of the cross but laying here not even thinking of what my Father has done for me.. Being tempted to watch t.v. than to read the word.. pretty sad on my behalf.. Thank God for a Father that regardless of our mistakes-without any judgement or any accusations to me.. Recalling that darkness fell across the whole land until three... Man at 12(noon) it's pretty sunny.. and we'll only feel darkness when it rains.. But it goes and comes with sun shining.. The whole land was dark till three.. Amazing.. He welcomes me again and again to sit at the foot of the cross to understand the cleansing of the cross.. to understand the depth of the cross.. to understand the reason for the cross.. just to understand who He is and who I'm NOT.. Just like the curtains were tore... Inside I should be torn.. He tore the boundary of the cross.. He tore it so I can come boldly, without any hesitation and come sit at the cross.. Even for a second.. Just to feel the love that He had for me when He picked up the cross for me.. What amazing love is this Father? that regardless of our busy schedule You continue to overwhelm us with Your constant invitation to the cross.. regardless if it's Friday, Saturday.. Monday whatever it is... It's amazing...That love He has for us.. constant.. unfailing.. unconditional.. it is amazing.. Thank You Father for thinking of me...

Video's of the Day: 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Whatever happens, happens with His knowledge...

When we think of life, we think.. What will happen today.. or tmrw.. or the next day.. 
I don't know about you but I can only handle one day at a time.. But our God.. He can handle days, months, years and even decades at a time... Today I was thinking about all the craziness that's going on.. not only in my life but my family.. my friends.. They go through soo much mentally and physically-I just wish sometimes they can understand that nothing is worth it.. Sometimes I wish I was strong in faith that when going through adversities I can stand firm on His word.. But yeah I find myself questioning His knowledge and I fall many times.. So where can we get the power to stand firm? How do we stay focused on not worrying? Right when things get rough.. Right when you feel satan's push.. Push the prayer.. Push the power of prayer.. Give the struggle, situation or storm to him because He knows before it happens.. He has such a powerful peace to give you... He has such amazing wisdom to give you.. He has ALL the answers... Praise God that He loves me unconditionally to give me this peace and power.. I praise You in the storm.. For He makes ALL things beautiful... from ooglllay to beautiful JUST IN TIME>>>>:) Love the song below it relates sooo welll with this post ;) 
Video of the day:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Spirit Within

Video of the day: 

John 14-Trinity{whole chapter---)
John 15-Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.."

Today I randomly(God planted) thought of trinity{Father, Son and The Holy Spirit) How is it possible that ALL three can be one... I even had a discussion with my dad and we debated for some time.. --(God was strongly in the conversation that I literally felt Him standing next to me smiling at my crazy questions and thoughts.)-- OUR DISCUSSION: When multiple times it clearly mentions "Father" or even I will speak to God on your behalf--1 John 2:1... or who was Jesus speaking to as he was fasting for 40 days?--Matthew 4:2 or who did he ask to take this cup, yet not my will--Luke 22:42..? As we discussed this... my dad said read John 14-16... 

I started reading.. reading out loud and this discussion grew more and more intense but randomly a gentle spirit within me and within my papa changed to laughter.. It was impossible to stop laughing.. Nothing was really funny but the passion about the topic.. But God definitely intervened and said daughter you will never understand this... You will only understand when you see me.. It is NOT something you can back up with theories or research.. I am not a project that you can figure out.. I am, Who I am... Man just the way in the simplicity of life... stops you from living life and question something and speak to you in such a drastic way is beyond me.. We try to figure out answers to the questions of the world and life.. which is all really good.. But when we try to figure out God it will be IMPOSSIBLE.. because it only POSSIBLE through HIM and IN Him.. **confusion? yup it will be... but the only hope we have is that God was, God is and God will always be in control of our situations, our earthquakes, our financial situation, our relationships, our family, our EVERYTHING...was IN His hands, is IN His hands, will always be IN His hands.. 
So as we wait to figure out this mysterious answer to these questions.. the song above speaks soo much on what we should do as we wait....--patiently wait...move ahead bold and confident...I will worship.. Faithfully...

Praising Him for that!! Thank you God for showing yourself in ways that we can never control.. Thank you for being our God in every area... If situations were in my hands there will be no chance for me Father.. But since its IN Your hands.. I can sleep, I can worship...I can pray..I can sing, I can eat.. I can go to work/school, I can sit, I can watch, I can.. I can... I can... without worrying.. without struggling.. Alpha Omega... Amazing Father:) 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tick Tick-Times Ticking

Video of the day: 

Hello All,
So recalling the post before this where I was venting.... 

When things get low, why does it get lower? I have to push fwd. I have to push fwd. Satan has no victory in my life, my future. Lord I trust you to get me through all this.. Help me t fight this.. fight till I die for You appacha.. Mold me.. Make me.. Grow me.. I'm soo weak Jesus! I need your guidance and strength to overcome this difficult moment in my life. Education isn't going the way you want.. Relationships not going the way you want.. Financial not going the way you want.. Family not going the way you want... Just creates a way for His way to take importance.. Thank God not everything goes our way.. John 14:6 **Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."-

Well... I have some wonderful news... Let me not get ahead of myself.
During that point when I wrote everything above...
It was because a big battle was placed on me... Family situations were just overwhelming me..
It seemed like nothing was working for my good.. I struggled with understanding Gods will for this storm and why things were the way it was. I even found myself doubting the placements in my life. Satan planted so many doubts, fears, worries of not getting accepted to anything.. Just being stuck forever.. Well.. This was all after church last Sunday, keep in mind that I'm pending getting approved for MS program in counseling and development..The interview was done.. so just three weeks of fasting and prayers for Gods ultimate will in my life to take hold. (Flash back: This interview was intense... It consisted of a group interview, individual interview and an essay.. I know many individuals were more qualified for acceptance for this program.. Individuals that held previous MS degrees.. ) Now waiting for something is never a good thing until its received. So Monday rolled around and I was more discouraged and many negative thoughts were present in my head.. I didn't even think God would  love me after thinking many of these thoughts.. Continued to pray and keep up the faith that ALL things are possible through Him and nothing is done on my own merit.. Continued to have that faith of a mustard seed-even if it was soo small- Tuesday came around.. I heard a voice that said go online to application status and see what I have done for you... Went to the graduate school application status area... It stated "accepted on October 18,2011" A WEEK BEFORE.. A WHOLE WEEK BEFORE.. I was going through the storm and doubting my Father but He gave me an answer a WEEK in advance... Then I received my acceptance letter in the mail on Wednesday.. Even when I fell.. He was there holding me up and letting me know He's not done with me.. I'm beyond blessed to serve a God that is alive and working on my behalf.. "Jeremiah 29:11 seemed to re-play in my head over and over.. For He knows the plans for you.. Plans to give you a good future.. Plans NOT to harm you.. He is such a loving God.. He will never disappoint regardless if others around you have disappointed.. I find myself constantly going astray but that love..The LOVE of my Father just brings me back to Him.. Don't doubt Him.. He's still working on your behalf.. He's MORE than able to complete what He has in store for YOU for HIS glory.. 
May you fall into His arms of Love and continue to stay there-Feel His power all in your life even when you don't see the solution in front of you.. He already provided the answer... Just waiting for it to play out in your life. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Break Down or Break Through?

When things get low, why does it get lower? I have to push fwd. I have to push fwd. Satan has no victory in my life, my future. Lord I trust you to get me through all this.. Help me t fight this.. fight till I die for You appacha.. Mold me.. Make me.. Grow me.. I'm soo weak Jesus! I need your guidance and strength to overcome this difficult moment in my life. Education isn't going the way you want.. Relationships not going the way you want.. Financial not going the way you want.. Family not going the way you want... Just creates a way for His way to take importance.. Thank God not everything goes our way.. John 14:6 **Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."-

Yes, those are the words I literally wrote down today when I was facing some circumstances in my life that I really felt as if Why God.. Yup admit I'm human.. I'm flesh.. I doubt situations.. but you know what? In that breakdown.. I received a breakthrough.. Jesus Your Love is soooo amazing.. Your compassion, Your devotion regardless of the sins, regardless of our thoughts, regardless of our doubts.. Your still continue to Love me.. You are graceful, faithful and Your unconditional love continues forever.. 

Thank You For being my father.. 

Yours Truly, 
Your unworthy daughter,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Head Count

"Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows"-Luke 12:7
And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered."Matthew 10:30

So as I was putting my hair up I had a lot of strands of hair that was falling out of my head.. Little pieces and strands... All of the sudden I felt God speaking to me.. "I know the very hairs on your head... I know the number.. Can you tell me the number?" Well I started counted the hairs that I found on my bed then I ran across more.. and more.. Looking if someone saw this.. saw me counting my strands of hair.. They would really think.. "Liz you are really LOOSING it" Then I started appreciating the little things.. He knows the very hair on your head.. He knows the number.. I challenge you to count the strands you see falling off your head everyday.. Keep a record of it.. Is it even worth it you ask? Well to God YOU are worth it.. Your WORTH even more..  The videos are amazing way to imagine His love.. The second song "The Promise" really touched me in the sense.. He knows.. He knows the hair on your head.. He knows the tears you cry.. He KNOWS.. Don't underestimate His Love for you.. His passion for you.. His grace.. His faithfulness.. He knows, understands and is with you each and every step of the way.. Don't give up hope.. But allow Him to count the hairs on your head.. but stay faithful to Him through each situation, struggles, problems.. He hasn't given up on you.. Don't give up on Him... 

Video's of the Day:

Monday, October 17, 2011


16 “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”-Genesis 41:16

It's amazing to understand that each dream means something, God designed it and planted it within us for a particular reason or purpose.  If we choose to accept it that's completely up to us. Last night I had a small dream-vision and I was barely falling asleep.. It was vague so I was like was this God or was this my mind.. One thing about God.. When things are from Him... He will make it known.. So this dream-vision was for a nanosecond.. It was a door opening but the what was behind the door was unknown and unseen. I suddenly had the urge to talk to God about it and wonder is it a new job, prayers to our answers... questioning Him in the sense try to understand such a small vision. But just like in the story with Joseph, it may be a small vision or dream but how its interrupted and lived is huge. Amen!!

Song of the Day: "Where You Go I Go"
Where you I go.. Where you stay I'll stay..Where you pray I pray..
Jesus would only move when you felt you lead..How can I go without you when every move Jesus made was in surrender
 -Wow thats powerful.. Jesus surrendered his steps, his visions, his dreams, his plans, his education, his friends, his relationships, his EVERYTHING to the heart of God's plan.. I feel sooo stubborn at times because I find myself wondering in my own plans and dreams that I lack the knowledge that HE was the one who created these moments and for His Glory.. NOT our own.. 
I challenge you to step out--I challenge you to follow--I challenge you to go where He wants you to go.. Man what a difference our life would make.. Amen!  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dry Places In Your Life

It's amazing to find songs that relate to your life and situation.. But this song hits the spot-from personal life and the life I see within others..
Today was very testing day for me.. Testing in the sense I really had to sit back and evaluate people and situations. Its amazing how God shows us His love through others. This generation is struggling and in the dry place that they have no motivation to get back up, we as adults need to step up and show them through those dry areas in life he will provide living water that we will NEVER thirst again..
 "I will bring praise.. no weapons formed against me shall remain.." Word of God reminds us
over and over trials are present to get us closer to our destiny or even grow others to their destiny. We
face many things but when we let those things build others up is what truly matters.

Matthew 23:27-28 Cleaning the inside of the cup and the outside will automatically be cleaned.. That is very hard for me to grasp because of how difficult it is for me to clean the inside of myself.. I look at the world for soo much comfort and understand but I neglect the fact that the inside needs to be cleaned so the outside can show the world the love of Christ. The inside should be all of what I want to show the world, God's love, his grace and forgiveness needs to all take root inside first and foremost and then the outside will show what the inside is experiencing. I really have this broken-ness for this generation.. It kills me to see them hurting inside that slowly is portrayed outward.. They are hurting with hurtful words of others, peer pressure, no passion to do things and many negative things.. I wish they can see and sense this LOVE, GRACE and Forgiveness that God has for them so they can change into a generation that seeks after the LOVE of Christ rather than Love of the world..