Sunday, October 23, 2011

Break Down or Break Through?

When things get low, why does it get lower? I have to push fwd. I have to push fwd. Satan has no victory in my life, my future. Lord I trust you to get me through all this.. Help me t fight this.. fight till I die for You appacha.. Mold me.. Make me.. Grow me.. I'm soo weak Jesus! I need your guidance and strength to overcome this difficult moment in my life. Education isn't going the way you want.. Relationships not going the way you want.. Financial not going the way you want.. Family not going the way you want... Just creates a way for His way to take importance.. Thank God not everything goes our way.. John 14:6 **Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."-

Yes, those are the words I literally wrote down today when I was facing some circumstances in my life that I really felt as if Why God.. Yup admit I'm human.. I'm flesh.. I doubt situations.. but you know what? In that breakdown.. I received a breakthrough.. Jesus Your Love is soooo amazing.. Your compassion, Your devotion regardless of the sins, regardless of our thoughts, regardless of our doubts.. Your still continue to Love me.. You are graceful, faithful and Your unconditional love continues forever.. 

Thank You For being my father.. 

Yours Truly, 
Your unworthy daughter,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Head Count

"Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows"-Luke 12:7
And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered."Matthew 10:30

So as I was putting my hair up I had a lot of strands of hair that was falling out of my head.. Little pieces and strands... All of the sudden I felt God speaking to me.. "I know the very hairs on your head... I know the number.. Can you tell me the number?" Well I started counted the hairs that I found on my bed then I ran across more.. and more.. Looking if someone saw this.. saw me counting my strands of hair.. They would really think.. "Liz you are really LOOSING it" Then I started appreciating the little things.. He knows the very hair on your head.. He knows the number.. I challenge you to count the strands you see falling off your head everyday.. Keep a record of it.. Is it even worth it you ask? Well to God YOU are worth it.. Your WORTH even more..  The videos are amazing way to imagine His love.. The second song "The Promise" really touched me in the sense.. He knows.. He knows the hair on your head.. He knows the tears you cry.. He KNOWS.. Don't underestimate His Love for you.. His passion for you.. His grace.. His faithfulness.. He knows, understands and is with you each and every step of the way.. Don't give up hope.. But allow Him to count the hairs on your head.. but stay faithful to Him through each situation, struggles, problems.. He hasn't given up on you.. Don't give up on Him... 

Video's of the Day:

Monday, October 17, 2011


16 “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”-Genesis 41:16

It's amazing to understand that each dream means something, God designed it and planted it within us for a particular reason or purpose.  If we choose to accept it that's completely up to us. Last night I had a small dream-vision and I was barely falling asleep.. It was vague so I was like was this God or was this my mind.. One thing about God.. When things are from Him... He will make it known.. So this dream-vision was for a nanosecond.. It was a door opening but the what was behind the door was unknown and unseen. I suddenly had the urge to talk to God about it and wonder is it a new job, prayers to our answers... questioning Him in the sense try to understand such a small vision. But just like in the story with Joseph, it may be a small vision or dream but how its interrupted and lived is huge. Amen!!

Song of the Day: "Where You Go I Go"
Where you I go.. Where you stay I'll stay..Where you pray I pray..
Jesus would only move when you felt you lead..How can I go without you when every move Jesus made was in surrender
 -Wow thats powerful.. Jesus surrendered his steps, his visions, his dreams, his plans, his education, his friends, his relationships, his EVERYTHING to the heart of God's plan.. I feel sooo stubborn at times because I find myself wondering in my own plans and dreams that I lack the knowledge that HE was the one who created these moments and for His Glory.. NOT our own.. 
I challenge you to step out--I challenge you to follow--I challenge you to go where He wants you to go.. Man what a difference our life would make.. Amen!  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dry Places In Your Life

It's amazing to find songs that relate to your life and situation.. But this song hits the spot-from personal life and the life I see within others..
Today was very testing day for me.. Testing in the sense I really had to sit back and evaluate people and situations. Its amazing how God shows us His love through others. This generation is struggling and in the dry place that they have no motivation to get back up, we as adults need to step up and show them through those dry areas in life he will provide living water that we will NEVER thirst again..
 "I will bring praise.. no weapons formed against me shall remain.." Word of God reminds us
over and over trials are present to get us closer to our destiny or even grow others to their destiny. We
face many things but when we let those things build others up is what truly matters.

Matthew 23:27-28 Cleaning the inside of the cup and the outside will automatically be cleaned.. That is very hard for me to grasp because of how difficult it is for me to clean the inside of myself.. I look at the world for soo much comfort and understand but I neglect the fact that the inside needs to be cleaned so the outside can show the world the love of Christ. The inside should be all of what I want to show the world, God's love, his grace and forgiveness needs to all take root inside first and foremost and then the outside will show what the inside is experiencing. I really have this broken-ness for this generation.. It kills me to see them hurting inside that slowly is portrayed outward.. They are hurting with hurtful words of others, peer pressure, no passion to do things and many negative things.. I wish they can see and sense this LOVE, GRACE and Forgiveness that God has for them so they can change into a generation that seeks after the LOVE of Christ rather than Love of the world..